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Home » MBBS in Russia » रूस में एमबीबीएस

रूस में एमबीबीएस

रूस में एमबीबीएस

MBBS in Russia

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MBBS,MBBS Russia,MBBS in Russia,Russia,Study MBBS in Russia MBBS,MBBS Russia,MBBS in Russia,Russia,Study MBBS in Russia,MBBS study cost in Russia, MBBS Fee structure Russia 2022, Admission for MBBS in Russia for Indians

रूस में एमबीबीएस रूस में एमबीबीएस, कॉलेज के छात्र रूस में शिखर रूसी नैदानिक ​​कॉलेजों में सस्ती दवा के बारे में पता लगा सकते हैं। रूस में एक चिकित्सा विश्वविद्यालय की लागत लगभग 4000 अमेरिकी डॉलर प्रति 12 महीने ही है। एमबीबीएस छात्रों के लिए रूस में रहने की कीमत भी वाजिब है। रूस में कम शुल्क पर एमबीबीएस करने के उद्देश्य इस प्रकार हैं: दवा के विश्लेषण के लिए रूस में प्रवेश लेने के लिए किसी भी दान या कैपिटेशन मूल्य का भुगतान करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। रूसी शिक्षा मंत्रालय द्वारा रूस में एमबीबीएस के लिए प्रशिक्षण शुल्क, जो भारतीय छात्रों के लिए रूस में एमबीबीएस करना व्यावहारिक बनाता है। रूस में मेडिकल कॉलेजों/विश्वविद्यालयों को एमसीआई और डब्ल्यूएचओ के माध्यम से और डिप्लोमा को वैश्विक मान्यता प्राप्त है। रूसी वैज्ञानिक कॉलेजों/विश्वविद्यालयों में बेहतर प्रयोगशालाएं, अच्छी तरह से विकसित वैज्ञानिक संकाय और शीर्ष श्रेणी के बुनियादी ढांचे हैं। रूस से एमबीबीएस स्नातक एमसीआई स्क्रीनिंग टेस्ट क्वालिफाई करने के बाद अतिरिक्त रूप से भारत में व्यायाम कर सकते हैं। रूस में एमबीबीएस प्रवेश वैज्ञानिक विश्वविद्यालयों में बहुत आसान और सुविधाजनक है। रूस में एमबीबीएस के लिए प्रवेश प्रक्रिया यहां प्रवेश प्रक्रिया बहुत ही सरल है। छात्रों को बस दस्तावेजों को प्रकाशित करने की जरूरत है। इसके अलावा, छात्र को रूस में एमबीबीएस के बारे में जानने के लिए गारंटीकृत प्रवेश मिलता है। एकमात्र कारक जिसे आपको ध्यान रखने की आवश्यकता है वह है आवेदन का समय। एकमात्र घटक जिसका आपको ध्यान रखना है वह है आवेदन का समय। कोई भी शिखर रूसी मेडिकल कॉलेज योग्य छात्रों को छात्रवृत्ति की पेशकश करेगा जो रूसी चिकित्सा विश्वविद्यालय की फीस में और कटौती करेगा। यदि आप निर्दिष्ट समय के भीतर आवेदन करते हैं, तो प्रवेश प्रक्रिया को पूरा करने में बिल्कुल कोई समस्या नहीं होगी। अंग्रेजी माध्यम में एमबीबीएस के बारे में जानने के लिए आप दसवीं से अट्ठाईस सितंबर तक भारत से प्रस्थान करेंगे। रूस में एमबीबीएस कोर्स की फीस अन्य देशों की तुलना में अधिक किफायती है। रूस में एक शीर्ष मेडिकल कॉलेज में सीधे प्रवेश रूस में एमबीबीएस के लिए आवेदन करने वाले भारतीय छात्रों के लिए पूर्ण पारदर्शिता सुनिश्चित करता है। रूस में किसी भी शिखर चिकित्सा विश्वविद्यालय में रूस में सीधे प्रवेश अब संभव है। छात्र हमारे सलाहकारों के संपर्क में रहते हुए पूरी प्रवेश प्रक्रिया को ट्रैक करने में सक्षम हैं। भारतीय छात्रों के लिए रूस में एमबीबीएस का अध्ययन करने के लिए पात्रता मानदंड उम्मीदवार जो रूस में अध्ययन एमबीबीएस के लिए आवेदन कर रहा है/रूस में एमबीबीएस का अध्ययन भारतीयों के लिए प्रवेश वर्ष के 31 दिसंबर को या उससे पहले 17 वर्ष का होना चाहिए। उम्मीदवार को सीबीएसई / आईएससी या शहर के अनुसार किसी अन्य परीक्षा बोर्ड में (भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान और जीव विज्ञान) से अपने 12 वीं कक्षा में 60% अंक सुरक्षित करने चाहिए। MCI (मेडिकल काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया- बोर्ड ऑफ गवर्नर) के अनुसार, भारतीय मेडिकल छात्र जो विदेशी मेडिकल विश्वविद्यालयों में दाखिला लेना चाहता है, उसे NEET परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करनी होगी। राष्ट्रीयता – छात्रों की भारतीय राष्ट्रीयता होनी चाहिए। (भारतीय छात्रों के लिए पात्र) रूस में एमबीबीएस प्रवेश के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज 10वीं और 12वीं की मार्कशीट और पासिंग सर्टिफिकेट की स्कैन कॉपी А वैध पासपोर्ट चिकित्सा प्रमाणपत्र सफेद पृष्ठभूमि वाली पासपोर्ट आकार की तस्वीरें (ऊंचाई में 45 मिमी और चौड़ाई में 35 मिमी) भरा हुआ आवेदन पत्र आपने जिस विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवेश के लिए आवेदन किया है, उसका प्रवेश आमंत्रण पत्र। नीट स्कोरकार्ड की स्कैन कॉपी सर टिकट एचआईवी रिपोर्ट (डॉ. लाल पैथलैब्स से अनुशंसित)

MBBS in Russia

MBBS in Russia, The college students can find out about inexpensive Medicine In Russia in pinnacle Russian clinical colleges. The costs of a medical university in Russia are somewhere around 4000 US Dollars per 12 months only. The value of dwelling in Russia for MBBS college students is additionally reasonable.

Here are the motives for pursuing MBBS in Russia at a low fee:

  • There is no requirement to pay any donation or capitation price for taking admission to Russia for analyzing medicine.
  • The training charge for MBBS in Russia  by the Russian Education Ministry which makes it practical to pursue MBBS In Russia For Indian students.
  • Medical colleges/universities in Russia via the MCI and WHO and the diploma has global recognition.
  • Russian scientific colleges/universities have superior laboratories, well-developed scientific faculty, and top-class infrastructure.
  • MBBS graduates from Russia can additionally exercise in India after qualifying MCI screening test.
  • MBBS Admission In Russia scientific universities is very effortless and convenient.



Thе аdmission procеss is vеry simplе hеrе. Studеnts simply nееd to publish thе documеnts. Furthеr, thе studеnt gеt guаrаntееd аdmission to learn about MBBS in Russiа. Thе sole factor thаt you need to tаkе cаrе is thе timing of thе аpplicаtion.

Thе solely component thаt you have to tаkе cаrе is thе timing of thе аpplicаtion. Аny pinnacle Russiа mеdicаl collеgе would offеr scholаrships to dеsеrving studеnts which would cаusе а furthеr rеduction in thе Russiаn mеdicаl univеrsity fееs. If you аpply inside thе spеcifiеd timе, thеn thеrе will bе аbsolutеly no problеm to complеtе thе аdmission procеss. You would dеpаrt from Indiа by way of the tenth to twenty-eighth Sеptеmbеr to learn about MBBS in Еnglish mеdium.

Thе MBBS coursе fее in Russiа is more affordable than other countries. Thе dirеct аdmission in a top medical college in Russia еnsurеs complеtе trаnspаrеncy for thе Indiаn studеnts аpplying for MBBS in Russiа. Dirеct аdmission in Russiа into аny pinnacle mеdicаl univеrsity in Russiа is now possiblе. Thе studеnts аrе аblе to trаck thе еntirе аdmission process while being in touch with our consultants.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA TO Study MBBS in Russia For Indian Students

  • The Candidate who is applying for Study MBBS in Russia/Study MBBS in Russia for Indians must have 17 years of age on or before 31st December of the admission year.
  • The candidate must secure 60% marks in their 12th standard from (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) in CBSE / ISC or any other Board of Examination as per city.
  • According to MCI (Medical Council of India- Board of Governor), Indian medical student who wants to enroll in Foreign Medical Universities must qualify NEET Exam.
  • Nationality – Students must have Indian nationality. (Eligible for Indian Students)


  • Scanned copies of 10th and 12th marksheets and passing certificates
  • А vаlid Pаssport
  • Mеdicаl Cеrtificаtеs
  • Passport size photographs with white background (45mm in height and 35 mm in width)
  • А fillеd аpplicаtion form
  • Аdmission invitаtion lеttеr from thе univеrsity you hаvе аppliеd for аdmission.
  • Scanned copy of NEET scorecard
  • Аir tickеts
  • HIV report (Recommended from Dr. Lal Pathlabs)

List of Top Universities & Medical College in Russia for MBBS

MBBS in Altai State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Altai State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Altai State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Altai State Medical University, Russia

Altai State Medical University is a public university in Barnaul, Russia. Altai State Medical Institute was the name of the institution up until 1994. West Siberia is where the Altai State Medical University is situated. It has seven faculties and more than 60 departments that keep it running.

1st Year fee 6000 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5100 USD
Total Package INR 21 to 25 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Altai State Medical University

MBBS in Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

MBBS in Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

MBBS in Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

MBBS in Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

In the Russian city of Ulyanovsk, there is a public research university called Ulyanovsk State University. With a population of 700,000, the city of Ulyanovsk is located on the Volga River about 710 kilometers east of Moscow. It is maintained by its five faculties and more than 30 departments.

1st Year fee 5500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 4800 USD
Total Package INR 20 to 22 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Ulyanovsk State University

MBBS in Kazan Federal University, Russia

MBBS In Kazan Federal University, Russia

MBBS In Kazan Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Kazan Federal University, Russia

In Kazan, Russia, there is a public research university called Kazan Federal University. Astronomer Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky served as rector of the Imperial Kazan University, which was established in 1804 and was known as such until 1876. The university was given a new name in 1929 to recognize Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, one of its students.

1st Year fee 7388 USD
2nd to 6th Year 6638 USD
Total Package INR 28 to 30 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Kazan Federal University

MBBS in Bashkir State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Bashkir State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Bashkir State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Bashkir State Medical University, Russia

One of the top medical schools in the Russian Federation and the hub of medical and pharmaceutical research in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Bashkir State Medical University was founded in 1932.

1st Year fee 5500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 4600 USD
Total Package INR 20 to 21 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension.

Bashkir Medical University

MBBS in Kazan State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kazan State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kazan State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kazan State Medical University, Russia

The Kazan State Medical University, a federal institution with its main campus in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, has nine faculties. On March 6, 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation of Higher Education granted the university a license.

1st Year fee 7000 USD
2nd to 6th Year 6200 USD
Total Package INR 28 to 29 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Kazan State Medical University

MBBS in Crimea Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Crimea Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Crimea Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Crimea Federal University, Russia

Vernadsky, V. I Simferopol is home to Crimean Federal University, a college or university founded in 2014 on the foundation of Tavrida National V.I. Vernadsky University. The top university for studying medicine is Crimean Federal University.

1st Year fee 5000 USD
2nd to 6th Year 4500 USD
Total Package INR 20 to 22 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension.

Crimea Federal University

MBBS in Volgograd State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Volgograd State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Volgograd State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Volgograd State Medical University, Russia

The Volgograd State Medical University is situated in Volgograd, a city on the west bank of the Volga River in southern Russia. In 1935, the Stalingrad Medical Institute was established. It was given the status of the Academy in 1993, and the status of the University in 2003.

1st Year fee 7000 USD
2nd to 6th Year 6550 USD
Total Package INR 26 to 28 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Volgograd State Medical University

MBBS in Kursk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kursk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kursk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kursk State Medical University, Russia

The Kursk State Medical University is a 1935-founded medical institution in Kursk, western Russia. It received university status in 1994.

1st Year fee 6500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 6280 USD
Total Package INR 26 to 27 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Kursk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Omsk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Omsk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Omsk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Omsk State Medical University, Russia

In Omsk, Russia, there is a medical school called the Omsk State Medical University (OSMU). Omsk State Medical Academy Mikhail Kalinin Omsk State Medical Institute.

1st Year fee 5100 USD
2nd to 6th Year 4500 USD
Total Package INR 20 to 23 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Omsk State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Orel State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Orel State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Orel State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Orel State Medical University, Russia

Many things make Orel State University special. As a part of the Association of Classical Russian Universities, it is the sole classical university in Orel. It is the only institution in the area that offers instruction in a variety of subjects.

1st Year fee 5500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 4500 USD
Total Package INR 20 to 23 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Orel State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kuban State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kuban State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kuban State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kuban State Medical University, Russia

A medical university in Russia is called Kuban State Medical University. It is situated in Krasnodar, the regional center of South Russian Krasnodar Krai. The Russian Federation’s government established Kuban State Medical University in 1920.

1st Year fee 4500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 3250 USD
Total Package INR 16 to 17 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Kuban State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University, Russia

One of the top medical universities in Russia is Kabardino Balkarian State University. In 1957, Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University was founded in the Russian city of Nalchik.

1st Year fee 4500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 3250 USD
Total Package INR 16 to 17 lacks*
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Kabardino Balkarian State University

MBBS in Saint Petersburg Medico-Social Institute, Russia

MBBS in Saint Petersburg Medico-Social Institute, Russia

MBBS in Saint Petersburg Medico-Social Institute, Russia

MBBS in Saint Petersburg Medico-Social Institute, Russia

The Saint-Petersburg Medico-Social Institute offers postgraduate courses for those in the medical and social fields as well as education for medical students.

1st Year fee 5900 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5000 USD
Total Package INR 22 to 25 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Saint Petersburg Medico-Social Institute

MBBS in Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Russia

A higher education facility and medical university in St. Petersburg is called the First Pavlov State Medical University. Due to its 1936 renaming from Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I., PSPbGMU is also known as the First Medical Institute in St. Petersburg.

1st Year fee 6400 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5500 USD
Total Package INR 22 to 25 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

MBBS in ST. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Russia

MBBS in ST. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Russia

MBBS in ST. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Russia

MBBS in ST. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Russia

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, formerly known as St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, is a medical institution of higher learning with a pediatrics focus in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

1st Year fee 6400 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5500 USD
Total Package INR 22 to 25 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension.

ST. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MBBS in Ural State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Ural State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Ural State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Ural State Medical University, Russia

In Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast in the Ural area of Russia, there is a public medical university called Ural State Medical University. It is the only higher education facility in the Sverdlovsk Oblast that trains medical professionals and pharmacists.

1st Year fee 5100 USD
2nd to 6th Year 4400 USD
Total Package INR 20 to 21 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension.

Ural State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in First Moscow State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in First Moscow State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in First Moscow State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in First Moscow State Medical University, Russia

The oldest medical school in Russia is First Moscow State Medical University, which is situated in Moscow. As the first medical school in Russia, the university was established in 1758 as the medical faculty of Imperial Moscow University. In 1930, the university became independent after severing its ties to Moscow State University.

1st Year fee 13500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 11800 USD
Total Package INR 50 to 55 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

First Moscow State Medical University

MBBS in Far Eastern Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Far Eastern Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Far Eastern Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Far Eastern Federal University, Russia

In Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, there is a university called Far Eastern Federal University. U.S. News & World Report ranked the university #1,506 among the world’s best universities in 2022, and the Center for World University Rankings placed it #1,804 in the same category in 2021.

1st Year fee 6500 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5100 USD
Total Package INR 22 to 25 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Far Eastern Federal University, Russia

MBBS in Northern State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Northern State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Northern State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Northern State Medical University, Russia

One of the top medical schools in Russia for international students looking to study MBBS is Northern State Medical University, which was established in 1932.

1st Year fee 6300 USD
2nd to 6th Year 6150 USD
Total Package INR 27 to 30 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Northern State Medical University

MBBS in Tyumen State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Tyumen State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Tyumen State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Tyumen State Medical University, Russia

In the city of Tyumen, there is a public university called Tyumen State Medical Academy. In 1963, the Tyumen State Medical Academy was established.

1st Year fee 5800 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5100 USD
Total Package INR 22 to 25 lacks
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension

Tyumen State Medical University

MBBS in Voronezh State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Voronezh State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Voronezh State Medical University, Russia

MBBS in Voronezh State Medical University, Russia

In Russia, Voronezh State Medical University was established in 1802 to offer medical degrees. It is now one of the top universities for MBBS programs.

1st Year fee 6000 USD
2nd to 6th Year 5200 USD
Total Package INR 22 to 25 lakhs
Package Includes:- Tuition Fee + Hostel Fee + Medical Insurance + Medical Checkups + Registration + Visa Extension.

Voronezh State Medical University


Commonly Asked Questions

Q1. Can I practice medicine in India after finishing my MBBS in Russia?

Firstly Yes, the Russian MBBS degree is recognized in India. To pursue MBBS in Russia, the medical students must first check that the university from which they will pursuing their Medical degree is listed in MCI and approved. Because after then only they can practice in India after passing the MCI screening test.

Q2. What are the requirements for studying MBBS in Russia?

  • Must have passed 10+2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English.
  • The student must have passed with an aggregate of 50% marks and 50% marks in PCB subjects.
  • Candidates must have completed 17 years as of December 31.
  • Indian students necessity qualify for the NEET Exam for MBBS and BDS admissions in Russia.

Q3. Is MBBS in Russia expensive or cheap?

The Russian government subsidizes MBBS expenses in Russia, making it cheap for Indian students to pursue MBBS in Russia. The average MBBS price in Russia is $4000 USD = 2,80,000 Indian Rupees per year, making it the lowest fee for MBBS education overseas.

Q4. Is Russia a good place for Indian students to study medicine?

Russia is well-known around the world for its advanced and high-quality educational system. There are about 400 reputable universities, academies, colleges, and higher education institutions that accept international students. Over 100 medical universities where students can further their study in the field of medicine.

MBBS In Russia

MBBS In Russia

MBBS In Russia

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Services Provided

Expert Counseling: Twinkle institute provides you a group of Best Educational Counselors for MBBS in Abroad. They will provide you with all of the information you need to make an informed decision about Medical Education in abroad. Personal guidance to select Top 10 Medical Colleges in Russia.

Selection of University:We will assist you in selecting the Best MBBS Universities in Russia, that will perfectly suit the students Dream to become a doctor. Low fee MBBS in Russia is a perfect option for Indian Students.

100% Admission Assistance:Twinkle Institute At each stage of the Admissions process in Russia, provides complete Admission guidance. When studying MBBS abroad, piles of documentation may be required at various stages. Our team will be there for you every step of the way.

Pre-Departure Guidance:Twinkle Institute, conducts the pre-departure ceremony for all students who will be attending Russian medical universities, where they can be candid with their peers and form friendships. Explore the unmatchable advantages of Medical study in Russia with extensive benefits.

Documentation: Twinkle Institute offers complete passport assistance, education loans, and legalization documentation details to students. Indian medical students who wish to study at Russian medical universities must pass the NEET exam. Eligibility Criteria for MBBS In Russia | Low Fees & Medical Colleges in Russia.

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